Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Online Sites and Apps For Science


There are so many options available for teaching science with an online component.  One is called Study Jams.  It combines learning with music and singing.  This can get your kids out of their seat and we all know that we can remember lyrics to songs we have not heard in 10 years!  Science A-Z is an online resource that integrates science and literacy while assisting teachers in satisfying standards in both science and English language arts.  Learn 360 enables you to manage, share, and collaborate using a variety of resources located within the site.  Brain Pop is a site that uses videos, text information, games, and quizzes all provided by the site.  I have not seen any online resources used for science in my classroom.  One of the focuses of the class I am writing this blog for is to make sure you are not just lecturing at the front of the classroom.  Science can be difficult to understand if you do not provide your students with some hands-on opportunities.  While online sites are not hands-on, they provide a different level of interaction and opportunities that lectures do not.


There are certain aspects of science that are much more enjoyable to do rather than to watch.  Using baking soda and vinegar to fill a balloon with gas or making jello to show how a liquid becomes a solid are a few examples.  However, there are some aspects of science that cannot be recreated through hands-on activities in the classroom.  Being able to see how blood moves through the body or what a functioning organ looks like in real life are a few examples of how technology brings science to life.  

Online resources can bring aspects of science that have previously only been shown through pictures.  Students can view body functions and see the universe through vivid videos and interactions.  Online resources can provide students with the opportunity to actually see how the universe works or how the human body works.  They can also provide students with the ability to do experiments that would not be possible because of safety concerns.  There is so much opportunity to give students more applicable learning methods then the traditional pictures and lectures. 


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